About once a week for the past several years I get an e-mail about the photo of the tattoo above. I decided to write an FAQ that will hopefully answer all of the questions you might have about it.
1. What does it say?
Why do you want to know? What do you care what it says? I don't get this questions about any of my other foreign-language script tattoos. I did a large scale tattoo in Mongolian and there is a photo of it on a beautiful naked man in my portfolio. I have never received a single question about what it says. Examine your desire to know what it says. Then when you have a legitimate answer, I'd love to know what that is.
As for this particular tattoo and its' meaning, that is private and belongs to the woman who got it.
2. What language is it?
Why? Does the language look exciting to you? Does it look exotic?
3. I am thinking of getting this tattoo and I need to know what it says.
This one is less of a question and more of a sentence that I have received in my inbox many times. This tattoo, as most others is not meant to be copied. This tattoo was commissioned and created by several people for the woman that it is on. She had the idea, hired a calligraphist to write it out for her and then hired me to tattoo it on her. If you decide to copy it, that is between you and yours, however, I am not going to assist you one bit.
Tattoos are not outfits. You can't just go and buy the same one. I, as a custom tattoo artist design every single piece that I tattoo specifically for the person that comes to me. Please don't copy other people's custom tattoos. It is rude, selfish, and disrespectful to those people, to your tattoo artist, to the tattoo artist you are ripping off, and to yourself.
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. " - Oscar Wilde
I guess this article is more about plagiarism than the tattoo above. Oh well. :)
Write a comment
Lazurus (Sunday, 08 March 2015 23:24)
Wow this is beautiful! Does anyone know what it says?
Tattoo Care Instructions (Friday, 03 April 2015 09:23)
Hey glad to read this blog. Specially the manner about how you answer to these stupid questions.
I like that.
Gigi (Thursday, 30 July 2015 11:34)
What does this tattoo mean !??
Rachel (Wednesday, 13 January 2016 20:20)
I love you!!! Thank you! Got a fourth waiting for you, you successFULL, sacred being you!